Friday, May 15, 2009

Terminator Salvation is almost here!

Considering that a year ago I was less than thrilled about the prospects for a new Terminator movie for 2009, the fact that the upcoming release, Terminator Salvation has me stoked is quite a compliment...

Well, the official release of the new Terminator Salvation movie starring Christian Bale is now less than a week away and I have to say that I am personally really starting to feel a real positive buzz about this movie. That is a pretty impressive notion considering the recent negative publicity the movie received with the highly publicized on-set meltdown of the film's star (Bale), the audio of which was recorded in its entirety and released onto the internet. As well I have to admit that when I first heard that a fourth Terminator movie was in the works I was not that enthused, but once I heard that Christian Bale's name was attached to the project the new Terminator movie 2009 gained a lot more credibility in my mind.

Until now, the Terminator franchise was really looking kind of like it had almost reached the end of the road; In its current form the story lines of the franchise looked like they had been mined about as much as they could in any interesting way. There had been three Terminator movies and an ongoing television series and the storyline of impending doom seemed like it was truly done. (the fact that the third Terminator film was lackluster reinforced this point) However the makers of this movie went with an idea that should have been more obvious to me: a chronicle of life after the computer Armageddon and take over. This was an idea that always only been scantly touched on in the previous movies and had only been more fully developed in the various licensed Terminator comic book series over the past twenty years. Now, preceded by a kick ass grim and gritty trailer, the new Terminator Salvation movie is finally here, and I for one could not be happier.